Novem for November

Well, i will post some quotes that i like and inspiring me lot these days...
CHECK it out....!! :D

There’s never an ending, just new beginnings. The past makes you who you are but won’t predict who you’ll be. You choose who you’ll become.
- @twiquotations -

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.
- Audrey Hepburn -

Letting go of someone special to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't feel the same is much harder.
- @twiquotations -

I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.
- Oprah Winfrey -

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to U. Go for the one who pisses U off on a daily basis & yet U still find yourself crazy in love with him.
- @twiquotations -

Pooh: This is the best part of the day. Christopher Robin: What part is that? Pooh: When "you" and "me" become "we".
- Pooh -

It's not about who you've known the longest, it's about who's never left your side.
- Anonymous -

The more you know about who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.
- Anonymous -

I try to teach my heart not to want things it can’t have.
- Alice Walker -

11 komentar:

sugahpuff mengatakan...

love those quotes !

Andie mengatakan...

mau nambahin satu lagi ah....

"tiada gading yang tak retak!"


Andie mengatakan...


Andie mengatakan...


JeanOt mengatakan...

Yeahhh.... Heart @twiquotations!!

IYa andieee, tar bakal sering diupdate. Hehehe.. Kemarin2 tuh komputer g bermasalah.. :"> Thanks for the comment and spams. haha

ranggajingga mengatakan...

I really love quotes.. theyre inspire..

miwwa mengatakan...

hai makeupartis!! this is me @miwwa. >,<

JeanOt mengatakan...


Thanks telah berkunjung ke blogku ini....!! Sy akan main ke blogmu juga.. :D

ditakurniawaty mengatakan...

heyhoooo. blog walking. :DD

Riza mengatakan...

Woow kataa2 yang baagus yah semuaa nya

haayoww semangat ngeblog....:D

JeanOt mengatakan...

@Riza: Yeahh, kata-katanya bagus..! :D
I'm heading to your blog, too.. :)

Iya, g butuh semangat dan koneksi internet yg ga lelet melulu biar bisa ngeblog terus! haha..

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